Stanley M Johanson
Fellow - American College of Trust & Estate Counsel
Stanley M Johanson
Fannie Coplin Regents Chair & University Distinguished Teaching Professor
School of Law
University of Texas at Austin
727 E Dean Keeton St
Austin TX 78705
Tel: 512 232-1270
Professor Johanson, who joined the Texas faculty in 1963, was in the inaugural group of professors who were elected, in 1995, to the University of Texas Academy of Distinguished Teachers, whose purpose is to give public recognition to outstanding classroom teachers at the University of Texas at Austin. Professor Johanson teaches courses on Wills & Estates and Estate Planning. He is the co-author of Wills, Trusts and Estates (Aspen, 7th ed., 2005), which is used in over 120 American law schools, and is the author of Johanson's Texas Probate Code Annotated (West, 2005) and "Wills", in the Gilbert Law Series (Bar/Bri Group, 2003). In 1997, Professor Johanson received the Treat Award for Excellence, the highest honor bestowed by the National College of Probate Judges, and in 2005 he was presented a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Real Estate, Probate & Trust Law Section, State Bar of Texas, for his contributions to the improvement of Texas wills and trust law. He has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois, the University of North Carolina, the University of Washington, and UCLA. Professor Johanson is a member of the American Law Institute, an Academic Fellow of the American College of Trusts & Estates Council, and an Academic Fellow of the American College of Tax Council. The former editor-in-chief of the Washington Law Review and a Teaching Fellow at the Harvard Law School in 1961-63, Professor Johanson is Of Counsel to Vinson & Elkins, a Houston law firm.
