Robert B Burns Jr
We are counselors, trial lawyers, mediators and professional instructors.
BAJB provides a full range of services across a diverse range of practice areas:
* Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
* Appellate Law
* Business Formation and Consulting
* Construction Law
* Employment Law
* General Counsel
* Governmental Entities
* Insurance Law
* Insurer Practices / Bad Faith
* Insurance Defense
* Motor Carrier Liability
* Negotiation and Business Interactions
* Railroad Law
* Technology Law
* Toxic Exposure
* Wills, Estate Planning and Probate
* Workers' Compensation
Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer - National Board of Legal Specialty Certification
Robert B Burns Jr
Burns, Anderson, Jury & Brenner
PO Box 26300
Austin TX 78755-6300
Tel: 512 338-5322
Fax: 512 338-5363
Practice Areas
* railroad law
* insurance coverage
* toxic exposure
Bob's concentration is representing railroads in a broad scope of administrative and litigation work, much of which involves complex questions of the federal law governing railroads.
He also represents clients before various state agencies and insureds in tort claims, and insurance carriers in first-party claims, both at trial and appellate levels.
Bob Burns brought twenty years of experience and leadership with him when he co-founded BAJB. His background in the oil fields, driving 18-wheelers and structural engineering led him to representing trucking and railroad companies early in his law career.
His hard work, preparedness, and a practical thinking style, combined with a courteous manner, soon won him the lasting trust and respect of his clients, the hard working men and women involved in the cases, and even his adversaries.
