Jennifer L Tull
Divorce with Dignity through Collaborative Law, Mediation and Litigation
Jennifer Tull has practiced law in Austin and the surrounding communities for more than 20 years. She has been certified as a specialist in family law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization since 1990. Although her background includes complex property and custody litigation, her current practice has a strong focus on Collaborative Family Law, mediation and marital property agreements, reserving litigation as the last resort. Jennifer Tull is recognized as a leader in the international and state Collaborative Family Law movements, having successfully guided more clients through the Collaborative Divorce process than any other family lawyer in Texas.
We believe that the court system should be the option of last resort in family law situations. At the Law Offices of Jennifer Tull, we help clients make a smooth transition from being married to being single in the way that works best for them. Family law statutes were constructed by people with good intentions who needed to write laws that can apply to everyone in the state. Judges are required to strictly apply the statutes to all cases. This results in a system that seems arbitrary and inappropriate in many situations. We believe that most people, with the right kind of guidance, can create a better, more workable solution for themselves and their families than they will get from a court.
Fellow - American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Law Offices of Jennifer Tull
700 Lavaca St #1150
Austin TX 78701
Tel: 512 472-1919
Fax: 512 472-1919
Since 1985, Jennifer Tull has enjoyed a successful family law practice, specializing in complex property and custody cases, and in pre-and post-marital agreements. Her education includes a Bachelor of Journalism degree from The University of Texas at Austin in 1980, and a law degree from South Texas College of Law in Houston, in 1984.
Jennifer Tull was trained as a Collaborative Family Lawyer at the beginning of the new millennium, and became convinced that the Collaborative Family Law model meets the needs of children, clients, attorneys and society better than any other method of resolving family law issues. She has successfully guided scores of clients through the Collaborative Family Law process and become one of the most experienced Collaborative Family Law practitioners in Texas. In 2001, Jennifer Tull converted her case load from litigation to Collaborative Family Law matters. If a case does require litigation, it is handled by litigation lawyers under her guidance and supervision.
In the Spring of 2006, Jennifer Tull assumed duties as the President of the Board of Trustees for the Collaborative Law Institute of Texas, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the benefits of Collaborative Law to the public and the legal community. She is also active in the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, serving on its Editorial Board as Editor at Large of the Collaborative Review.
Jennifer Tull became one of Austin's first mediators in 1984, and has maintained an active mediation practice throughout her law career. Her mediation style promotes creative problem solving and efficient use of the clients' time and money.
The Texas Board of Legal Specialization certified Jennifer Tull as a family law specialist in 1990. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and has sat on the board of directors for the Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists. She served as a member of the State Bar of Texas Family Law Council, the governing body of the State Bar of Texas' Family Law Section, from 1994 until 2000. She has been a frequent speaker and author for the various law schools, and for the State Bar of Texas' Professional Development Programs throughout her career.
