Charles G Childress
Charles G. Childress has been a Supervising Attorney in the Children's Rights Clinic since the Fall semester 2001. He is a Board Certified Family Law Specialist, certified in 1990. Legal issues affecting children and families, particularly low-income families, have been the focus of his career. He helped implement legislation to improve the processing of protective services cases by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (FPS) and has written or edited several articles on trial and appellate practice in child protective services cases. With his assistance, FPS published a Child Protective Services Attorney's Desk Reference and a Child Protective Services Legal Forms Manual. He has also presented continuing legal education seminars to help judges, prosecutors, private attorneys and guardians ad litem implement legislation to limit children's time in foster care and improve representation of children in Texas. He has trial and appellate experience with Bexar County Legal Aid, in private practice, with the Child Support Division of the Office of the Attorney General and with FPS, as well as with the Clinic.
Charles G Childress
School of Law
University of Texas
727 E Dean Keeton St
Austin TX 78705
Tel: 512 232-1290; 512 220-6804; 512 567-5905
Fax: 512 475-8874; 512 220-6804
